How To Get Gum Out Of Carpet

Posted on: 17 August 2017

Gum helps exercise the jaw and freshens breath, however, it can stick immediately to the carpet. If you happen to run across gum on your carpet, but you don't have to cut it out, which  leaves a bare spot. It is possible to remove the gum as long as you act quickly and follow the steps in this guide to remove it.

Prepare to Remove the Gum

To remove the gum, you need:

  • paper towels
  • white cloths
  • spoon or butter knife
  • tweezers vacuum
  • box fan
  • white vinegar
  • liquid dish soap
  • peanut butter or olive oil
  • plastic bag
  • ice
  • hair dryer 

Read the label on the carpet, since some carpets can't withstand excess liquid. Gently use the tweezers to pull as much gum as possible from the carpet to keep someone from stepping in it. Pick larger pieces with your fingers or a paper towel.

Freeze or Heat It 

You may be able to remove fresh gum with ice or heat. Place several ice cubes in a plastic bag, set the bag over the gum and leave it ten minutes, or until it becomes solid. Tap the gum gently with a spoon or butter knife to break it up, then vacuum. 

If ice doesn't work, or the gum has hardened, heat the gum with a hair dryer. Set the hair dryer on medium heat, and warm the gum, keeping the hair dry several inches from the spot. Once the gum has heated enough, pluck the gum out of the carpet. You may prefer to cover your hand with a plastic bag.

Try Peanut Butter or Olive Oil

An oil, such as peanut butter or olive oil, works to decrease the stickiness of the gum. Test the oil on a hidden area of carpet first. If you use olive oil, dab some on a cloth, but don't pour it. Soak the gum in peanut butter or olive oil with the rag, and scrape the gum.

  Clean the Residue

Make a soapy mixture from several drops of liquid dish soap and one-half cup of vinegar combined in one cup of warm water. If the fibers are delicate, reduce the amount of vinegar to one-fourth a cup and water to one-half a cup. 

Test the vinegar solution in a hidden area to test reaction. Dip the cloth in the solution, blot the residue, then let the mixture stand several minutes. Dab the residue again with a cloth dampened with cool water to rinse the vinegar and soap solution, then aim a fan at the spot to speed drying. The spot needs to dry quickly to avoid mildew.


Teaching Your Kids To Clean Properly

If you were to tell your kids to clean your entire house top to bottom, how well would they be able to handle the job? Sometimes, even kids that are old enough to haul the vacuum upstairs can struggle to do the job effectively, which is why it is so important to focus on technique from an early age. I started thinking carefully about cleaning methods a few months ago, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made. Within a few months, my kids really mastered crucial concepts, and I was really pleased with the progress. Check out this blog for more information.


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