Hire A Commercial Cleaning Company To Keep Your Large Office Building Clean

Posted on: 21 October 2018

It's a full-time job to keep a large office building clean. The space has to be clean so it's a safe and healthy work environment and it needs to be clean so the building makes a good impression on clients. Hiring a commercial cleaning service is often the best approach so you can leave your building to the care of professionals. Here are some areas in particular that you'll want to always keep clean and tidy.

Upholstery In Waiting Areas

If your building has waiting areas for clients, then you'll want the areas cleaned daily so dust and odors do not accumulate. The upholstery is a special cause for concern since it can show stains and hold foul odors. Upholstered chairs should be vacuumed daily and cleaned on a regular basis to remove dirt and stains. Deep cleaning also removes odors and keeps the waiting area smelling fresh, which also makes the space seem clean.

Restrooms For The Public

If you have a busy office building, the restrooms probably get a lot of use. You may need the public restrooms cleaned at least once during the day and then deep cleaned every evening after hours. Regular cleaning helps control odors and removes paper trash from waste cans and sweeps clutter from the floor. You want the restrooms to be presentable for your guests and not to look neglected or unsanitary.

Flooring And Carpet

With people coming in and out all day, there will be dirt tracked in and crumbs and paper bits dropped on the floor. The floors should be swept or vacuumed daily, and they'll need professionally cleaned on a regular schedule. Carpet in heavy traffic areas should be deep cleaned to lift dirt and to prolong the life of the fibers. Polished concrete floors may need to be buffed occasionally to keep them shiny and lustrous. A commercial cleaning company will help you devise a schedule for all the cleaning tasks in your building so your floors always look their best and are deep cleaned as often as necessary depending on how much wear they get.

Sidewalk And Entry

While you want the inside of your building to always be tidy and clean, you don't want to forget about the outside. Trash on the ground and cigarette butts scattered everywhere could make a bad first impression. The entrance to your building should be attractive with grass neatly cut and maybe even pretty plants to add beauty. Most of all, dirt, stains, and trash should be cleaned up so the walkway leading to the door and the area just outside the door is clean and inviting. This might require cleaning the front wall of glass on schedule to keep pollution and water spots from building up.

You have a lot of maintenance and other business matters to track when you run a large office building, but you can relieve some of this pressure by hiring a commercial cleaning company to use their own supplies to keep your building clean. A clean building seems like a simple thing, but if cleaning is not done daily and done thoroughly, it won't be long until dirt and odors take a toll on your building.


Teaching Your Kids To Clean Properly

If you were to tell your kids to clean your entire house top to bottom, how well would they be able to handle the job? Sometimes, even kids that are old enough to haul the vacuum upstairs can struggle to do the job effectively, which is why it is so important to focus on technique from an early age. I started thinking carefully about cleaning methods a few months ago, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made. Within a few months, my kids really mastered crucial concepts, and I was really pleased with the progress. Check out this blog for more information.


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