Recommendations To Clean And Maintain Your Home's Carpeting

Posted on: 7 October 2020

Your home's carpeting provides a great deal of comfort and quality to your home interior, and you should keep it up with regular cleaning and care. Here are some tips for you to use as you keep your carpeting clean and in the best shape possible.

Vacuum On A Regular Basis

Your carpeting is going to need regular cleaning on a daily or near-daily basis to remove all the dust, dirt, and other debris that settles into its fibers from everyday life. The frequency and way you vacuum your carpets can make a big difference on its condition and how well it holds up over time. Particles, dirt, and debris in your carpets can act like tiny razor blades to the fibers. If you do not remove them through vacuuming regularly, then the dirt and debris will scratch the fibers of your carpeting as you walk over them, making them look dull and dingy even if your carpeting does not have any dinge inside it. 

Set your vacuum on the right height setting so it picks up the dirt and debris but does not grind over the surface of your carpets and cause damage to both them and your vacuum. Empty the collection canister after each time you vacuum so you start with an empty bin. Vacuuming with a full canister can greatly reduce your vacuum's sucking power.

As you vacuum, also be sure you move the vacuum slowly instead of quickly. When you slow the vacuum's movement down it can more effectively pick up dirt from the base of the carpeting. Focus on heavy traffic areas using several slow passes with your vacuum.

Arrange For Professional Deep Cleaning

Over time, your carpeting will begin to collect stains, odors, and build-up within the fibers. To remedy this, you should consider a professional carpet cleaning service. If you have pets or children you may notice a need to professionally steam clean your carpets more often. As a good maintenance schedule, you can have your carpets professionally cleaned once a year to keep them cleaned and renew their appearance. If you need more frequent cleanings, you can also arrange this as well.

A professional carpet cleaning service can provide you a more thorough cleaning than if you were to use your own portable machine, and there are a few reasons for this. For example, a professional carpet cleaning service may have a truck mounted cleaner that is far more powerful to pull up deep-set dirt and stains. Outdoor truck cleaners expel the steam and odors from the cleaning service into the air outside and not inside your home. Then, your carpeting won't have any soap or excess water left behind in the carpets to promote high dirt collection later on or pose a risk for mold growth.

Contact a carpet cleaning service for more information. 


Teaching Your Kids To Clean Properly

If you were to tell your kids to clean your entire house top to bottom, how well would they be able to handle the job? Sometimes, even kids that are old enough to haul the vacuum upstairs can struggle to do the job effectively, which is why it is so important to focus on technique from an early age. I started thinking carefully about cleaning methods a few months ago, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made. Within a few months, my kids really mastered crucial concepts, and I was really pleased with the progress. Check out this blog for more information.


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