Why It's A Good Idea To Hire A Professional Carpet Cleaning Company Rather Than Rent A DIY Machine

Posted on: 20 September 2022

It's important to clean your carpet regularly to protect the fibers and eliminate odors, allergens, and dirt. You might be tempted to rent a machine and clean your carpet yourself, but it's probably a better idea to have it cleaned by a professional. Here's why.

Drying Out The Carpet Is The Difficult Part

Rented machines spray water on the carpet to wash it and then vacuum the water back up. However, getting all the water out can be difficult. You need to move the machine slowly, and you may need to make several passes. If you don't get the carpet as dry as possible, it could start to mold. Then your home will have a strong mildew odor and you may need to call a professional carpet cleaner anyway to get rid of the odor.

The equipment used by a professional has a lot of power so it is able to extract almost all of the water. Your carpet will be nearly dry when they're done so you don't have to worry about mold and you can move your furniture back in more quickly.

Professionals Know How To Treat Stains And Odors

If your carpet has stains and odors, especially from pets, you may have difficulty getting the odors and stains out if you don't know the right products to use. You might even set the stains so they're even more difficult to remove. When a professional carpet cleaning company takes care of your carpet, all you have to do is point out the problem areas.

The cleaner then selects the right products, applies them appropriately, and then cleans your carpet to pull out dirt, stains, and all kinds of odors, including pet accident odors.

Professional Equipment Cleans Carpet Better

Although it costs more to hire a professional carpet cleaning company than it does to rent a machine, a professional can get better results thanks to the more powerful commercial equipment they use. The stronger vacuum pulls out deep dirt so the fibers are cleaner. They can even make an older carpet look bright and smell fresh because of how effectively the equipment can remove dirt.

A rented machine isn't as powerful, and it also relies on your technique to do the best job. If you move the machine too fast, your carpet won't get as clean. If you move too slowly, you might use too much water and you'll have to stop and empty the dirty water container a lot more often.

Using a rented machine is a lot of work too, especially if you're cleaning carpets in multiple rooms. You have to fill and empty the water container several times, and that can be time-consuming and difficult to do if you have arthritis or back problems. The extra cost of hiring a professional carpet cleaner is worth it for your convenience and for the care of your carpet too. 

For more information, contact a local carpet cleaning company. 


Teaching Your Kids To Clean Properly

If you were to tell your kids to clean your entire house top to bottom, how well would they be able to handle the job? Sometimes, even kids that are old enough to haul the vacuum upstairs can struggle to do the job effectively, which is why it is so important to focus on technique from an early age. I started thinking carefully about cleaning methods a few months ago, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference my efforts made. Within a few months, my kids really mastered crucial concepts, and I was really pleased with the progress. Check out this blog for more information.


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